We had Lithuanian food
at its best in the Čili Kaimas restaurant
Lija’s family took me to Čili Kaimas restaurant (Chilli village in English) to show me what traditional Lithuanian food is all about.

I was impressed with the restaurant right away-it’s like entering an old fashioned Lithuanian farmstead.
Surrounded by the unique interior, fantastic atmosphere and dim lighting it felt like night-time even though it was in the middle of the afternoon.
When we sat down at their roomy benches the atmosphere was so relaxing it’s easy to forget you are not in the comfort of your own home.
From the table that we were seated I could see authentic farming tools, pottery, sacks of grain and many more interesting items.
The restaurant is spread over two floors and has rooms with displays of antique helmets, swords and armours.
Kids can enjoy a terrarium with grass snakes, a fishpond and a tree growing in the middle.

The fancy- looking rooster that crows every so often completes the village atmosphere.
Actually, when I first heard it crow I thought that I was hearing a recording until on leaving the restaurant I saw it alive and kicking:)
The restaurant was rather busy and the staff were a bit slow to take our orders but I didn’t mind really as it takes a while before you can stop admiring the design inside.
We were presented illustrated peasants’ and nobles’ menus by a friendly waitress, dressed in traditional Lithuanian costume made of material that looked a bit like my homeland Scottish tartan to me.
We started with Lithuanian beer and a palate selection of beer snacks (3 €).
As far as I remember there were pieces of assorted smoked meat, fried bread topped with cheese, herring and acidy little gherkins (just as Lija likes them).
At this restaurant I also took a liking for Lithuanian dark rye bread, which was very fresh and tasty.
When it comes to beer, they are truly generous here, I ordered a large one which to my surprise was nearly two pints.
Later we followed with different Lithuanian salads.
Lija went for something called by a fun name Gossips salad – pieces of boiled beef tongue (tastes better than it sounds :) lettuce, celery roots, fresh carrots, gherkins and leeks in mayonnaise and horseradish sauce (2 €)
And I had a refreshing and tasty mackerel fish salad. (3 €)
As I was already quite stuffed by the end of the starters I chose a lighter option of meat dumplings “Cili kaimas”-(3 €).
Everyone in the group enjoyed their meals.
With the ingredients being so fresh -you're tasting almost Lithuanian home cooking.
Cili Kaimas is one of Vilnius restaurants to try authentic Lithuanian food such as mashed potato sausage baked in the oven (3 €), stuffed cabbage rolls (3 €), or famous Cepelinai with minced meat (3 EUR).
For those who don’t care much for Lithuanian food there are other choices on the menu of more usual chicken and fish dishes and some nice vegetarian food. For deserts they offer delicious pies, cakes and milk shakes.

The restaurant also holds Karaoke parties, live folk and popular music is being played at the weekends.
Address: Cili Kaimas
Vokiečių 8 (close to the town Hall)
Tel. 231 25 36
Open daily: 10:00 - 24:00, Fri - Sat 10:00 - 02:00
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